
Health secretary warns lockdown rules must be followed amid "worrying signs" infection rates are rising in some areas.
The health secretary has explained the cards are standard NHS procedure to remind patients about their second dose.
Grandmother Margaret Keenan, 90, became the first patient in the world to receive the Pfizer Covid-19 jab following its clinical approval as the NHS launched its biggest ever vaccine campaign on Tuesday.
The Covid-19 treatment has since been shown to be more than 90% effective. Widespread rollouts of the Pfizer drug begin this week in the U.K.
The card will not form an 'immunity passport', ministers have insisted.
HuffPost UK reader Pat asked: “Do we need the Covid vaccine every year?”
The images were issued by Public Health England and were taken at a secure location.
“If Anthony Fauci tells me this vaccine is safe and can immunize you from getting Covid, absolutely I’ll take it," Obama said this week.
Trials need more minority volunteers to understand how the vaccine will impact our communities – and I want to lead by example.
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