Vladimir Putin
"I’m not going to pretend that all our problems will go away in the new year," the prime minister says.
Kyiv and Moscow are far from reaching any kind of agreement that could end the war.
“Whether Mr. Antov’s death is a suicide is a matter of investigation,” said Rasmi Ranjani Pradhan, an inspector with the local police.
Belarusian soldiers were previously considered "inferior" to their Russian counterparts.
The troops are "threatened with summary execution" if they fail to follow orders.
Ordinary Russians have also been urged to donate musical instruments to the front line.
It is the first time in a decade that he will not hold the traditional Q&A.
UK intelligence says other areas are "likely to come under increasing pressure" in order to help fund the military action.
Moscow's struggles with "strategic assessment" has been described as one of its "critical weaknesses".
"Severe sanctions" may be imposed on Russian officers deemed responsible.