William Barr
William Barr revealed in a Fox News interview the president was being protected from anti-racism protesters.
The case, filed by the ACLU on behalf of Black Lives Matter and protesters, called police tactics a "frankly criminal attack".
Trump blamed “radical left anarchists,” as well as the media, for stirring up trouble. He missed identifying the source of the upheaval.
"I would like for you to put in bold letters that we do hold the prison responsible for this," the man’s son told The Lens.
The White House said Trump was not concerned by William Barr's remarks.
Officers did not look in on him every 30 minutes as required, it is claimed, and allegedly doctored records to suggest they had.
What had been Attorney General William Barr's administrative review of the origins of the Russia investigation has become a criminal inquiry, The NY Times says.
Among the broken bones was reportedly Epstein's hyoid bone — a break more common in homicidal strangulations than suicide, The Washington Post said.
The two guards also allegedly falsified log entries to show they had regularly checked on inmates — though they hadn't actually done so.
One of the people guarding Epstein was not a prison officer, according to reports.