
Survey also revealed a third of ambulance staff have been victims of violence.
Those with disabilities are also hardest hit in the long run, researchers found.
Parents of teenager Megan Lee who died after eating a takeaway say food outlets need to stop playing Russian roulette with lives
Regional differences mean disadvantaged young people in the north are more likely to end up not in education, employment or training.
"You can’t be that racist on Twitter without people calling you out."
Munira Abdulla suffered a severe brain injury while protecting her son in a car crash.
Governments should leave the internet alone, but the claim that Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp are an antidote to state-controlled media is looking increasingly thin.
Donald Trump will pay his first state visit to Britain on 3 June 2019. A formal invitation for the three-day-trip was issued by the Queen on 23 April.
The horse, named Morecambe, fell onto metal barriers causing a serious stomach injury.