The Shropshire home was cordoned off by a hazardous response team after Katie Stevenson and her husband were rushed to hospital.
It is impossible to overstate the consequences of cuts to services for our young people. The Tories have betrayed a generation, Cat Smith MP writes.
The president visited Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, both grieving after mass shootings this weekend, but he made much of the trip about himself.
The man was in the water at the Schwarzindien beach area in Mondsee, when he complained of pain.
Knife Possession Offences committed by women and girls in England have risen by at least 10% every year since 2014.
The male officer, who was stabbed multiple times in "sudden and brutal attack", used a Taser to subdue the suspect.
Sorry folks, cheese is on the list.
The incidents took place on both Monday and Tuesday nights.
The family of 17-year-old Osaib Altaf's family told HuffPost India that he drowned in a river as he tried to escape police.
Kim Kardashian lobbied for the release of Brown, who was convicted of murdering Johnny Allen when she was a 16-year-old sex trafficking victim.