
The Hawaii-born Hollywood actor has joined a protest against plans to build a telescope on sacred lands.
The 28-year-old was left with injuries to his face, a fractured cheekbone and eye sockets and a broken nose.
The Cambridge University student fell 1,130 metres onto a plain of carnivorous big cats.
"They looked like pearls in an oyster," remarked one of the surgeons who extracted them during a five-hour operation.
The New York Times revealed details about Epstein's apparent interest in eugenics, pseudoscience and dinner parties with Nobel laureates.
11 people had to be rescued from Poynton in the space of four hours after heavy rain caused flash floods in the area.
The 30-year-old was himself a senior figure in al Qaeda.
Steve Bannon has worn many hats in his career, from Wall Street investor to alt-right Breitbart editor, filmmaker to presidential advisor. We look at Bannon’s career and political ideology, from co-founding Cambridge Analytica to advising far-right politicians across Europe and South America.
The body of the 19-year-old from Milton Keynes has yet to be found.