Theta Healing - a Unique Therapy

If you are dealing with divorce and family breakup, Theta can help you move forwards into a happier and more empowered life.

In this interview Alternative Divorce Guide Suzy Miller talks to Theta Healer Deborah Talalay, who explains how Theta Healing works, and what it is used for.

What is Theta Healing and what is it used for?

"You don't need a special issue to do Theta healing and you don't need to be unhappy. We all carry patterning inherited from our ancestors and other sources which consciously we would be appalled at. This patterning is something we live with whether conscious of it or not. It acts as an invisible brake on what we do and what we want to achieve.

Originally created as a way of dealing with cancer, Theta Healing can be used for a very wide range of issues far beyond physical wellbeing. Theta is very powerful in helping remove psychological blocks which get in the way of you having happy relationships, becoming financially free, or just feeling that life is supporting you rather than getting in your way.

If you are dealing with divorce and family breakup, Theta can help you move forwards into a happier and more empowered life.

We might have the brake on in one area of our lives and not in another. When we clean ourselves of this patterning we enhance our actions, heal our relationships and invite extraordinary happenings into our lives.

By clearing our energy we invite wonderful people into our lives and allow the flow of the Universe to reach us without obstacles.

If you would like help with a breakup and all the grief and negativity that has been released, then Theta can help - even through video sessions which are available for free on my website Theta is a powerful tool to enable you to rapidly and effectively move away from the old and into the new."
