When Anger or Fear Eats Away at Confidence - Video of How EFT Can Help

Issues involving emotional bullying, harassment, the reality of 'being watched and monitored' had all proved very draining for this particular client. Within minutes of the first session the client could scarcely believe the release of pent up emotions she experienced.

In this interview with EFT expert Susan Cowe Miller, she explains to Alternative Divorce Guide Suzy Miller, how anger can be addressed during the divorce journey, and the video below demonstrates how you can use EFT tapping to reduce or eliminate feelings of anger:

Anger over divorce may be easier to shift than you might think....

"Erosion in confidence within a failing relationship is a main reason why clients seek the help of EFT Tapping. Someone in the middle of a divorce may suffer hugely from complex mixed emotions; however they generally neglect addressing their own health issues until late in the divorce process - so much work may still need to be done.

One client of mine, who actually works very closely with divorcing people, finally braved their own low self-esteem issues and came to me for help. In this case, a series of sessions were required because the magic wand which many hope for, proved elusive! Though often less deep-rooted issues can be addressed very quickly with only one or two sessions.

Issues involving emotional bullying, harassment, the reality of 'being watched and monitored' had all proved very draining for this particular client. Within minutes of the first session the client could scarcely believe the release of pent up emotions she experienced.

Being fearful and anxious were the initial emotions needing to be addressed; pent up anger was soon uncovered and feelings of injustice were tapped on and released . This case uncovered previous occasions when self-esteem was challenged. We uncovered a particular memory; not horribly traumatic, but a misunderstood action from childhood by a well-meaning adult, which resulted in the client carrying a belief into adulthood of being unworthy and undeserving.

A lowering of the stress or anger (or fear and anxiety) can be achieved with Tapping. Deeper work achieves very long lasting results, but we can all learn to use basic EFT tapping from an expert, to help us deal with anger and stress through divorce, or to find the confidence to build a new and exciting life for ourselves."

Want to use EFT tapping to reduce or eliminate feelings of anger?

This short video shows you how.....

Susan Cowe: EFT (Tapping) practitioner and author of 'Survive and Thrive after Trauma'