Never a Quiet Minute With Michael Gove at the Tiller

Gove even found time on Wednesday to reveal that on Thursday he would be shadowing an Ofsted team as it inspected a school. To say this got the edu-citizens of Twitter going would be an understatement.

In the last seven days the TES Big Ed Blog has covered the ever-changing world of education, while also gently ribbing it.

Rather extraordinarily, education secretary Michael Gove has managed since the beginning of the week to make two major A-level announcements - firstly he revealed a new league table measure that will judge schools against how well their pupils do in traditional A-levels while also completely rethinking the way that the so-called "gold standard" is structured. Are these good idea? And what will be the effects for schools? It's all there on the Big Ed.

Gove even found time on Wednesday to reveal that on Thursday he would be shadowing an Ofsted team as it inspected a school. To say this got the edu-citizens of Twitter going would be an understatement.

Other nuggets to be found on the blog are news that David Walliams, comedian and swimmer extraordinaire, is planning a new sitcom set in schools whileTanya Byron is firmly of the opinion that modern kids no longer "know how to fall over".

You really don't want to miss it.


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