Fumbling, one left-out person and straight-up awkwardness is how I'd describe my first threesome. Many may agree with this without even know what happened and honestly, for the longest time I cast it out of my mind to the point that when other would ask me if I'd ever had one, I denied it. Thinking back now I feel like I missed an opportunity for an incredible experience. It's been six years and having been around two women that beautiful without having made the most of the threesome haunts me.
What had made the experience the most awkward was most likely because one of the two women had hardly ever been with women outside of one explorative night I had with her previously. Between the freezing up when the time came to return the pleasure, slightly bad hygiene and two of us carrying on without her, as gorgeous as she was, she probably was not the best choice to have for an experience such as that. The other woman and I did, however, have some explosive orgasms once she fell asleep.
A couple of years later, 2015 presented me with another threesome opportunity that unfortunately passed me by as the voyeur in me trumped my own pleasure. This time, an incredible lesbian couple I had met weeks before had already gotten quite comfortable with each other. Me, being in an open relationship as were they at the time, half of the couple and I had already had sex before. Hell, it was the second time I spent time with them when one of them ended up on my face in a bathroom, so one could say we were pretty comfortable with each other.
On the night of the almost threesome, I had my head between Miss Face-Sitter's thighs when she called her girlfriend to come join us. Still nestled on one of her thighs I watched them kissing for a while then sat back to enjoy it. Kisses were exchanged between all three of us, lips were bitten and I lay back while listening to them giggling while giving each other pleasure. In that case, I have very few regrets. Watching another writhe in pleasure cannot be considered a loss in my eyes.
So far 2016 seems to be a better year for me, coming in with a pleasurable threesome experience, exhibitionism and candle play that had me wanting to buy new candles in a larger variety of colours – all on the same night. After attending an event during the day, my partner and I along with 3 ridiculously attractive women went home to my place to play a couple of rounds of candle-lit (power outages sure do know how to set a mood) 30 Seconds.
Writing this I realize how absolutely lucky I am to have some sort of magnetism that attracts the most open-minded I-just-want-to-stare-at-you-for-hours type of beautiful people. Before I knew it we were all playing with candle wax and one of the women had volunteered her body as a canvas. She lay on bed while we coated her in 4 shades of wax and with every drop of warmth that touched her stunning skin, made even better sounds. Thinking back now I'm surprised it didn't turn into group sex once we were done peeling the wax off her back but two of the women slept on my sleeper couch right next to the three of us in my bed.
While many people give the advice that one should never have a threesome with your partner and someone they actually know, I wouldn't have had it any other way.
You know when you're lying in bed and dry humping turns serious? The woman who was in bed with my partner and I had a history, quite an interesting one I might add, and all it took was our thighs touching before kisses were being spread and the little clothing we had on was coming off. Faces became chairs and cowgirls became reversed. The whole time this was going on, I was so conscious of the couple sleeping right next to us. I had always been a voyeur but had never really been much of an exhibitionist. It turns out I was so conscious of the other couple in the room that I earned myself the name Silent Ninja when all that went on was discussed the day after.
Definitely my best threesome experience yet. Although I went into it thinking I was open to every damn thing, there were things that were questioned, things I'm still wrapping my head around. But having a threesome with someone I had previously cared about very deeply in addition to the person who currently had my heart was probably the best I could ever ask from a threesome. The chemistry between the three of us was so slight that we didn't notice it but were asked about if we all had a history the next day by someone who had no idea what had happened.
While many people give the advice that one should never have a threesome with their partner and someone they actually know, I wouldn't have had it any other way. There is something magical about watching your partner do to someone else what they do to you. "I told you so" has never tasted sweeter than when our third party was pleasantly surprised by the pleasure she was receiving.
Looking back on it, I am grateful that my partner and I had spoken about how we would like the experience to be, and were able to talk honestly about it the following day. That's definitely something that I think many couples, or simply experimental people may struggle with, the discussion.
Some may prefer to be caught off guard by the experience and it may go amazingly, much like a friend of mine who described one of the most beautiful threesomes I've ever heard of between her partner and a woman they met that same night. Many others may have negative experiences as a result of not communicating. Even when you assume that you and your partner are on the same page about something, have that conversation. Get to a point where you're comfortable about how things may go in order to make the experience a positive one.
Goals for the future? A day of threesomes and group sex, if you will. Could you imagine the pleasure that could come from people who are comfortable in their bodies, sexuality, and curiosity with each other that every person that's there is able to leave with every part of their body happy? At this rate, I really am counting down the minutes until I can have a third partner in my relationship.