
An investigation has found a series of failings by police in the months before Michael Lane terrorised the 19-year-old to her death.
His injuries are not thought to be life threatening.
People in positions of power have power through their views, actions and rhetoric. And tolerating racism from those in power only gives fuel to those on the streets to do the same.
The university has seen 12 suspected student suicides since 2016.
Those of us in the UK still reeling from the implications of the success of the Leave campaign will be acutely familiar with the dangers of populist rhetoric driving public opinion.
Horrible people have exactly the same rights as nice people: the right to freedom of speech, to a fair trial and to seek political asylum.
One authority saw the number of staff on £100k+ soar from 8 to 27 – despite widespread cuts.
The victim, 24, was described as a "prodigiously talented mathematician".