
The American pair allegedly knew the materials were contaminated.
Keeping track of orangutan populations is vital for their conservation, and researchers have new tech to help them. Thermal-imaging drones are being used in the Borneo forests to count the orangutan population there. The tech has been used to measure the luminosity of stars in the past, but now the drones are used to detect the heat coming from the great apes as they rest in their nests. Land clearing and poaching has left tens of thousands of wild orangutans dead, leaving the species critically-endangered.
The baby is believed to be just weeks old.
BME people working in the UK are more than twice as likely to be on agency contracts as white workers.
Laleh Shahravesh said it had been "the most horrendous period" of her life.
The victim was piloting a paramotor, or powered paraglider.
'Thank God we didn't waste it on repairing the NHS or social care.'
Meet Sabine Weyand, the 54-year-old German who has helped shape Britain’s possible future.
I cannot describe how it feels to be 15 and believe that your government, your teachers, your parents even have betrayed you. Our futures, our very existence, are at risk because of the choices that they made.