kwasi kwarteng

Parliament will consider a motion to end the recess for party conferences on October 11 instead of October 17.
The new chancellor will unveil plans to slash taxes in an attempt to boost economic growth.
"The government’s priority appears to be boosting the telephone number salaries of their friends in the city".
The new prime minister risks a backlash from voters by planning to boost bankers' bonuses during a cost of living crisis.
The chancellor is said to be in favour of the controversial move to make the City of London more globally competitive.
Treasury mandarin Tom Scholar was axed by Kwasi Kwarteng on the new chancellor's first day in the job.
The new chancellor's comments emerged as Liz Truss prepares to lift the ban on shale gas exploration.
This is the first time no white men have occupied the "great offices of state".
Business secretary under Boris Johnson was an early supporter of new PM's leadership bid.
The prime minister surprised many by doing his job and turning up at a summit of energy bosses - but achieved nothing.