Social distancing

Ex-scientific adviser to government Neil Ferguson said imposing restrictions a week earlier could have halved coronavirus death toll.
Boris Johnson's announcement also means people living alone can stay overnight with partner, friends or relatives.
"Live ~ Laugh ~ Lock yourself in the bathroom and enjoy some alone time today. You deserve it."
From virtual hugs to some enterprising social distancing measures, teachers say despite all their fears – being reunited with school children has been surprisingly joyous.
There’s been no official guidance from the UK government, but here’s how indoor play centres are preparing.
Mass gatherings and social distancing make for a difficult balance. Here are some helpful tips for those attending protests.
Black Lives Matter gatherings in the UK have been more considerate of coronavirus than the government has, top professor says.
“I need you to understand how painful it is to be reminded every day that your race means nothing, and that isn’t the case.”
In the UK, there have been calls to reduce the two metre rule to 1.5 metres to help the hospitality sector reopen.