Social distancing

This new normal risks being a society without disabled people, Amy Kavanagh writes.
Not only is it scary to think the men who catcalled me could assault me – what if they have coronavirus and pass it on? Kate Plummer writes.
Quarantined donations and no changing rooms are predicted to become the norm.
"Friends and family can start to meet their loved ones."
Martine Shanchuk told police she “felt it necessary” to enforce aisle rules of the Big Y store in Newtown, Connecticut, herself.
Prime minister reveals he has asked scientists who advise government to review the current guidelines.
Jacob Rees-Mogg's decision to scrap video link parliament is leading to "unacceptable" and "discriminatory" demands, charities warn.
Summer is coming. Read this guidance on Covid-19 and pools, beaches, hot tubs and water parks.
Pub bosses say many venues will close if the UK does not adopt the 1m rule endorsed by the WHO when lockdown is lifted.
Indoor and outdoor pools remain closed for now. But wild swimming isn't off limits.