UK Mental Health

In the UK, a little over 1 in 10 of us will be living with an anxiety disorder at any one time
Research has found an association between participating in low to moderate intensity exercise and reduced rates of depression.
Experts explain what's happening in your brain while you play games.
"'I have one request,' she said slowly. I had no idea what was coming."
If you plan your itinerary down to the minute while you're on a trip, this is for you.
"It was scary putting myself out there at first, but I’ve ended up happier than I’ve ever been, and have built new and existing connections that continue to enrich my life."
Experts weigh in on the "floordrobe" and why this phenomenon is so common among people with ADHD.
We spoke to Kirsty Burrows about how the team are treating trolls this year.