Turns out the yeasty spread can interfere with your brain chemistry... in a good way!
Hot water bottles aren't just for winter snuggles, it turns out.
Feeling breathless during a workout? Here’s how to tell if asthma is the culprit — and how to manage it.
Experts discuss common issues that aren't necessarily full-blown red flags -- but that could get there with time.
Emotions are running as high as the thermostat. Follow these tips to avoid conflict.
Shaving, waxing and other hair removal methods each come with their own rumours. It's time to put them to rest.
Too much earwax? Did your at-home removal go wrong? This is when to get it checked out.
“Young people should not drink, but older people may benefit from drinking small amounts," said senior author, Dr Emmanuela Gakidou.
Here's what people in healthy relationships do differently, according to therapists.
Salt is essential for seasoning – but a new study warns against adding too much at the table.